Grand Master - Tarik Driver

Deputy Grand Master - Thaddeus Jones

Grand Senior Warden - Larry Booth

Grand Junior Warden - Tony Tyler

Grand Senior Deacon - Alex Bryant

Grand Junior Deacon - Marcel Lang

Grand Treasure - Carlos Payne

Grand Secretary - Kiel Douglass

Grand Patron - Kenneth Ray

A Message From Our Grand Master - Kemon Amos

I'm Bro. Amos. Grandmaster of the Most Worshipful New Jerusalem Grand Lodge State of Illinois.  This Grand Lodge was established in 1987 & has been going strong ever since.  I’m certain we have the best Brothers in the world.

This Fraternity of Brotherhood is like no other.  A quest for knowledge & self-improvement every day is the goal of every Brother.  While taking cues from our Ancestors, our history, & the Most High Brothers will become better Men in every aspect of life.  

“My goal as being privileged to serve as Grandmaster is to make Better Masons period.“

“This Beautiful system of Morality is in all of us.”

“Let's let is shine..”

— Grand Master Kemon Amos